Monday, June 18, 2012

This Secret Hilary Duff Slim Body Forming

Hilary Duff is one American artist that a successful career as a movie player, pop singer, songwriter and entrepreneur. She had criticized the media for being overweight. However, she also managed to overcome the excess weight, and now many people are amazed by the beauty of body Hilary Duff. This is secret Hilary Duff slim body forming.

Hilary Duff diet
At first his diet, She ate only green vegetables and protein, however, she lost too much weight so that the shape of her body becomes less ideal. She also adds some variety in their diet menu.
  • Breakfast: Kashi cereal with 2% milk (or egg white omelet with feta cheese) and a latte with 2% milk contains.
  • Lunch: grilled chicken Caesar salad with a tablespoon of low fat dressing (or salad grilled ahi tuna with balsamic vinaigrette dressing).
  • Dinner: tuna steak, grilled vegetables and couscous. She also frequently tries his favorite food is, the sushi.
  • Snack: Handful of mixed nuts (or an apple and brie cheese) sometimes it also eats chips and salsa.
  • If she wants to eat bread, meaning she doesn't eat pasta or potatoes. If she wanted dessert, she doesn't eat bread. With a solid activity, it is really difficult to run a balanced diet.
Exercise patterns Hilary Duff
To get the body shape right now, she did some exercises, namely:
  • Pilates: to make the legs look more beautiful shapes and lines, Duff doing Pilates. She practiced using the pilates machine 3-4 times a week. She exercises focus on lower body such as legs, buttocks, and 5 different abdominal exercises.
  • Run: it is also diligent in coming to the gym with my sister and her friends to practice cardio. She practiced using the elliptical machine than a treadmill.
  • Pool: Duff loved sports pool. When swimming she often freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and sidestroke.
Finally, Hilary Duff also managed to lose weight by running a more healthy diet. Well, you can get a body as beautiful as Hilary Duff, by running a healthy diet as has been done Hilary Duff. Good luck!
                                                                                                          beautiful healthy lifestyle

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